EEPROM Directory for ECM Type BUEZD

Name/Meaning Offset Type Size (bytes) Remark
Idle Air Control Average Position0xffffffffffffffed-19Value1Average IAC position when PID control is active
AMC Key-On Status0xfffffffffffffff6-10Bits1AMC status when ignition is switched on
Baro Pressure Sensor Stored Value0xfffffffffffffff8-8Value1Stored barometric sensor reading
Stored Error Byte 00xfffffffffffffff9-7Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 0
Stored Error Byte 10xfffffffffffffffa-6Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 1
Stored Error Byte 20xfffffffffffffffb-5Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 2
Stored Error Byte 30xfffffffffffffffc-4Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 3
Stored Error Byte 40xfffffffffffffffd-3Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 4
Stored Error Byte 50xfffffffffffffffe-2Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 5
Stored Error Byte 60xffffffffffffffff-1Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 6
Stored Error Byte 70x00000Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 7
Stored Error Byte 80x00011Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 8
Stored Error Byte 90x00022Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 9
Stored Error Byte 100x00033Bits1Stored (historic) trouble codes, byte 10
Number of Rides since Error Set0x00044Value1Number of rides since a trouble code was set
Calibration ID0x00055Value1Country specific calibration identifier
System Configuration0x00088Bits1Global ECM setup
Layout Revision0x00099Value1Cal Structure Revision read only)
Throttle Position Sensor Moving Average Fraction0x001824Value1TPS fraction used to detect TP changes
Vehicle Series Calibration ID0x002032Value1
Vehicle Market Calibration ID0x002133Value1
Vehicle Calibration Version0x002234Value1
O2 Sensor Rich Voltage0x002e46Value1O2 sensor voltage indicating a rich mixture
O2 Sensor Lean Voltage0x002f47Value1O2 sensor voltage indicating a lean mixture
Closed Loop Feature Minimum RPM0x003048Value1Minimum RPM to activate O2 sensor
Closed Loop Feature Minimum Throttle0x003149Value1Minimum throttle to activate O2 sensor
O2 Sensor Activation Time0x003250Value1O2 sensor activation delay
O2 Sensor Deactivation Time0x003351Value1O2 sensor deactivation delay
Pre Sync Fuel Maximum Engine Temperature0x003a58Value1Max engine temp for pre-sync fuel pulses
Post Sync Fuel Maximum Engine Temperature0x003b59Value1Max engine temp for post-sync fuel pulses
Fuel Pump Frequency0x004266Value1Fuel pump PWM frequency
AD-Converter Input Select0x004367Value1Analog-digital conversion input
MAP Sensor Front Reading Position0x004468Value1Crankshaft position to read front MAP sensor
MAP Sensor Rear Reading Position0x004569Value1Crankshaft position to read rear MAP sensor
TPS-MAP Load Configuration0x004670Bits1Throttle Map Load Configuration
TPS-MAP Load Maximum RPM0x004771Value1Maximum RPM for combined TPS/MAP TPS above)
Live Log Configuration0x004872Bits1Live Log Configuration
Global Fuel Correction0x004a74Value1Global fuel correction factor, applied to all map regions
Acceleration Enrichment Configuration0x004b75Bits1Acceleration Enrichment Configuration
Acceleration Enrichment Front Pulse Start0x004d77Value1Camshaft or crankshaft position to start late acceleration pulse for the front cylinder
Acceleration Enrichment Rear Pulse Start0x004e78Value1Camshaft or crankshaft position to start late acceleration pulse for the rear cylinder
Light Acceleration Condition0x004f79Value1TPS change indicating a light accel. condition
Full Acceleration Condition0x005080Value1Change in throttle movement indicationg a full acceleration condition
Acceleration Enrichment Duration0x005181Value1Full acceleration enrichment duration in engine revs
Deceleration Correction0x006e110Value1Deceleration correction
Deceleration Condition Hysteresis0x006f111Value1Deceleration condition throttle hysteresis
Throttle Roll-Off Condition0x0070112Value1Throttle roll-off condition
Throttle Roll-Off Correction0x0071113Value1Throttle roll-off fuel correction
Deceleration Learn Maximum RPM0x0076118Value1Deceleration learn mode maximum RPM
Deceleration Learn Minimum RPM0x0077119Value1Deceleration learn mode minimum RPM
Deceleration Learn Minimum Duration0x0078120Value1Engine revs for deceleration learn mode
Deceleration Learn Minimum Readings0x0079121Value1Number of consecutive rich O2 readings required
Idle Maximum Load0x008a138Value1Idle region maximum load
Open Loop Enrichment Delay0x008b139Value1Time before increasing AFV
Barometric Pressure Sensor Reading Configuration0x011e286Bits1Barometric pressure sensor access setup
Baro Pressure Sensor Delay0x011f287Value1Delay before reading barometric pressure sensor when switching on ignition
Baro Pressure Sensor Moving Average Factor0x0130304Value1Baro Pressure Sensor Moving Average Factor
Airbox Pressure Configuration0x0131305Bits1Air pressure sensor configuration byte
Barometric Pressure Key-On Minimum Value0x0132306Value1Minimum valid barometric pressure sensor reading when switching on ignition
Barometric Pressure Key-On Maximum Value0x0133307Value1Maximum valid barometric pressure sensor reading when switching on ignition
Closed Loop Configuration0x0170368Bits1Fuel closed loop setup
Calibration Mode Number of Readings0x0171369Value1Number of O2 sensor readings required to adjust AFV
Closed Loop Upper Boundary Load Hysteresis0x018c396Value1Upper closed loop boundary hysteresis, TPP
Closed Loop Lower Boundary Load Hysteresis0x018d397Value1Lower closed loop boundary hysteresis, TPP
Closed Loop Lower Boundary Adjustment Value0x019a410Value1Lower closed loop region boundary adjustment value
Closed Loop Lower Boundary Adjustment Highest Gear0x019b411Value1Highest gear where lower closed loop region boundary is adjusted
Fuel PI Controller Low RPM Threshold0x01ca458Value1PI controller low value RPM limit
Fuel PI Controller Low Load Threshold0x01cb459Value1PI controller low value load limit
Fuel PI Controller High RPM Threshold0x01cc460Value1PI controller high value RPM limit
Fuel PI Controller High Load Threshold0x01cd461Value1PI controller high value load limit
AFV Storage Delay0x0212530Value1Time between AFV writes to EEPROM
Global Spark Advance0x0213531Value1Global spark advance adjustment
Air Temperature Spark Retard Configuration0x0226550Bits1Air Temp Retard Configuration
VSS Input Minimum Frequency0x0247583Value1Minimum valid VSS input frequency
VS-RPM Ratio VS Sampling Time0x024c588Value1Time to count speed sensor pulses
Speed-RPM Ratio RPM Sample Duration0x024d589Value1Sample period for Speed-RPM ratio
Spark Advance Retard Configuration0x0254596Bits1Spark advance and fuel reduction configuration
Spark Advance Retard Minimum Engine Temperature0x0255597Value1Minimum engine temperature to enable reduction
Active Intake Configuration0x0287647Bits1Active intake controller setup
Active Intake Gearing0x0288648Bits1Active intake gearing configuration byte
Active Intake Period0x0289649Value1Active intake control period
Active Intake Ramp In Duty Cycle0x028a650Value1Active intake ramp-in period duty cycle
Active Intake Hold Duty Cycle0x028b651Value1Active intake hold period duty cycle
Active Intake Ramp Out Duty Cycle0x028c652Value1Active intake ramp-out period duty cycle
Fuel and Spark Skip Configuation0x028d653Bits1Fuel and Spark Skip Configuation
RPM Fixed Limit Cold Start Ramp0x028e654Value1Temperature delta to ramp from cold RPM limits
Soft Limit Ignition Pattern Front0x028f655Value1Front Soft Limit Fire Pattern
Soft Limit Ignition Pattern Rear0x0290656Value1Rear Soft Limit Fire Pattern
Hard Limit Ignition Pattern Front0x0291657Value1Front Hard Limit Fire Pattern
Hard Limit Ignition Pattern Rear0x0292658Value1Rear Hard Limit Fire Pattern
RPM Fixed Soft Limit Trigger for Cold Engine0x0293659Value1Cold engine soft RPM limit, high
RPM Fixed Soft Limit Recharge for Cold Engine0x0294660Value1Cold engine soft RPM limit, low
RPM Fixed Hard Limit Trigger for Cold Engine0x0295661Value1Cold engine hard RPM limit, high
RPM Fixed Hard Limit Recharge for Cold Engine0x0296662Value1Cold engine hard RPM limit, low
RPM Fixed Soft Limit Trigger0x0297663Value1Fixed soft limit trigger RPM
RPM Fixed Soft Limit Recharge0x0298664Value1Fixed soft limit release RPM
RPM Fixed Hard Limit Trigger0x0299665Value1Fixed hard limit trigger RPM
RPM Fixed Hard Limit Recharge0x029a666Value1Fixed hard limit release RPM
RPM Fixed Kill Limit Trigger0x029b667Value1Kill limit trigger RPM
RPM Fixed Kill Limit Recharge0x029c668Value1Kill limit release RPM
RPM High Speed Hysteresis High Value0x029d669Value1High speed speed-RPM-ratio hysteresis, upper value
RPM High Speed Hysteresis Low Value0x029e670Value1High speed speed-RPM-ratio hysteresis, lower value
RPM High Speed Timed Limit Timer Start0x029f671Value1RPM threshold to start limit timer at high speed
RPM High Speed Timed Limit Timer Reset0x02a0672Value1RPM threshold to reset limit timer at high speed
RPM High Speed Timed Hard Limit0x02a1673Value1RPM threshold to enable delayed hard limit at high speed
RPM High Speed Timed Soft Limit0x02a2674Value1RPM threshold to enable delayed soft limit at high speed
RPM High Speed Timed Soft Limit Delay0x02a3675Value1Soft limit delay at high speed
RPM High Speed Timed Hard Limit Delay0x02a4676Value1Hard limit delay at high speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Limit Timer Start0x02a5677Value1RPM threshold to start limit timer at low speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Limit Timer Reset0x02a6678Value1RPM threshold to reset limit timer at low speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Hard Limit0x02a7679Value1RPM threshold to enable delayed hard limit at low speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Soft Limit0x02a8680Value1RPM threshold to enable delayed soft limit at low speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Soft Limit Delay0x02a9681Value1Soft limit delay at low speed
RPM Low Speed Timed Hard Limit Delay0x02aa682Value1Hard limit delay at low speed
Temperature Soft Limit Minimum Load0x02ab683Value1Load above which soft temp limit enabled
Temperature Soft Limit Minimum RPM0x02ac684Value1Minimum RPM to enable temperature soft limit
Temperature Hard Limit Minimum Load0x02ad685Value1Load above which hard temp limit enabled
Temperature Hard Limit Minimum RPM0x02ae686Value1Minimum RPM to enable temperature hard limit
Temperature Soft Limit Trigger0x02af687Value1Temperature threshold to trigger soft limit
Temperature Soft Limit Recharge0x02b0688Value1Temperature threshold to recharge soft limit
Temperature Hard Limit Trigger0x02b1689Value1Temperature trheshold to trigger hard limit
Temperature Hard Limit Recharge0x02b2690Value1Temperature threshold to recharge hard limit
Ignore Minimum RPM Trigger0x02b3691Value1Temperature threshold indicating to ignore RPM/throttle limits
Ignore Minimum RPM Recharge0x02b4692Value1Temperature threshold indicating to obey RPM/throttle limits
Temperature Kill Limit Trigger0x02b5693Value1Temperature trheshold to trigger hard limit
Temperature Kill Limit Recharge0x02b6694Value1Temperature threshold to recharge kill limit
Temperature Limit Engine Lamp On Value0x02b7695Value1Temperature threshold to switch on engine lamp
Temperature Limit Engine Lamp Off Value0x02b8696Value1Temperature threshold to switch off engine lamp
Fan Configuration0x02b9697Bits1Fan Configuration
Fan Key-On On Temperature0x02ba698Value1Temperature threshold to switch on fan
Fan Key-On Off Temperature0x02bb699Value1Temperature threshold to switch off fan
Fan Duty Cycle Period0x02c4708Value1Cooling Fan Control Period
Fan Key-Off Run Delay0x02c5709Value1Key-off delay before starting fan
Fan Key-Off Run Duty Cycle0x02c6710Value1Fan duty cycle after key-off
Fan Key-Off On Temperature0x02c7711Value1Key-off temperature threshold to switch on fan
Fan Key-Off Off Temperature0x02c8712Value1Key-off temperature threshold to switch off fan
Fan Key-Off Maximum Duration0x02c9713Value1Maximum time running fan after key-off
Fan Key-Off Minimum Battery Voltage0x02ca714Value1Minimum battery voltage to run fan after key-off
Fan 2 Delay0x02cb715Value1Delay before switching on fan 2 after turning on fan 1
Active Muffler Configuration0x031c796Bits1Active Muffler Valve Configuration
Active Muffler WOT Condition Hysteresis0x031d797Value1Active exhaust valve WOT condition hysteresis
Active Muffler Motor Minimum On Time0x031e798Value1Active exhaust valve controller minimum on-time
Active Muffler Motor Minimum Off Time0x031f799Value1Active exhaust valve controller minimum off-time
Shifter Configuration0x0360864Bits1Shifter configuration
Shifter Input0x0361865Value1Input pin for shifter feature
Shifter Input Activation Level0x0362866Value1Shifter feature activation voltage
Shifter Input Debounce Time0x0363867Value1Shifter feature debounce time
Shifter Input Minimum Delay0x0364868Value1Minimum wait time between shifts
Shift Light Configuration0x036c876Bits1Shift Light Configuration
Shift Light Flashing Period0x036d877Value1Shift light on time while flashing
Starter Interlock Configuration0x038a906Bits1Starter Interlock Configuration
Sidestand Interlock Signal Threshold0x038b907Value1Threshold for sidestand input
Starter Relay Maximum RPM Hysteresis High0x038c908Value1Max RPM for starter relay upper hysteresis
Starter Relay Maximum RPM Hysteresis Low0x038d909Value1Max RPM for starter relay lower hysteresis
Sidestand Interlock Maximum Speed0x038e910Value1Sidestand interlock disabled after reaching speed
Sidestand Input Number of Errors0x038f911Value1Sidestand extended at high speed before failure
Sidestand Input Maximum Reading Allowed0x0390912Value1Upper limit of sidestand input
Sidestand Input Minimum Reading Allowed0x0391913Value1Lower limit of sidestand input
Idle Air Control Configuration0x0392914Bits1Idle air control setup
Idle Air Control Average Maximum Value0x03a2930Value1Maximum value for idle air control moving average
Idle Air Control Average Minimum Value0x03a3931Value1Minimum value for idle air control moving average
Idle Air Control Moving Average Factor0x03a6934Value1Idle air control factor to set up moving average
Idle Air Control Average Maximum Engine Temperature0x03a7935Value1Maximum engine temperature for idle air control moving average
Idle Air Control Average Minimum Engine Temperature0x03a8936Value1Minimum engine temperature for idle air control moving average
CAN Bus Configuration0x04421090Bits1CAN bus setup
Global Fuel Scale Increment0x04441092Value1Incremental Fuel scale, time per unit of fuel
Cold Start Condition0x04491097Value1Engine temperature indicates a cold engine condition. The CAN cold flag is set and cold engine RPM limit apply.
Aux Power Relay Configuration0x04621122Bits1Aux Power Relay Configuration
Aux Power Relay On Battery Voltage0x04631123Value1Battery voltage above which aux relay turned on
Aux Power Relay Off Battery Voltage0x04641124Value1Battery voltage below which aux relay turned off
Aux Power Relay Switching Delay0x04651125Value1Delay before switching aux relay
Spark Plug Cleaning Configuration0x04661126Bits1Spark Plug Cleaning Configuration
Spark Plug Cleaning Maximum Engine Temperature0x04681128Value1No plug cleaning needed if TE exceeds this
Spark Plug Cleaning Waste Fire Maximum Engine Temperature0x04691129Value1Terminate plug cleaning waste fires above this TE
Spark Plug Cleaning Engine Minimum Run Time0x046a1130Value1Min time for engine run event for plug cleaning
Spark Plug Cleaning Number of Cold Runs0x046b1131Value1Cold run events before plug cleaning needed
Spark Plug Key-On Cleaning Time0x046d1133Value1Duration of key-on plug cleaning
Spark Plug Cleaning Number of Waste Fires0x046e1134Value1Plug cleaning waste fires per rev
Fuel Pressure Control Configuration0x04721138Bits1Fuel Pressure Control Configuration
Rides Required to Clear DTC0x057c1404Value1Number of rides without error codes set to clear store errors
Throttle Position Sensor Number of Errors0x057d1405Value1Number of TPS read failures before error code is set
O2 Sensor Test Minimum Throttle0x05861414Value1Minimum throttle to check for O2 activity
O2 Sensor Number of Errors0x05871415Value1Number of O2 sensor read failures before error code is set
O2 Sensor Number of Inactive Reads0x05881416Value1Number of inactive results before error code is set
Engine Temperature Sensor Number of Errors0x05891417Value1Number of ET sensor read failures before error code is set
Engine Temperature Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x058a1418Value1Maximum ET sensor reading
Engine Temperature Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x058b1419Value1Minimum ET sensor reading
Engine Temperature Sensor Default Value0x058c1420Value1ET sensor default value set on failure
Air Temperature Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x058d1421Value1Maximum allowed air temperature sensor reading
Air Temperature Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x058e1422Value1Minimum allowed air temperature sensor reading
Air Temperature Sensor Default Value0x058f1423Value1Air temperature sensor default value, set on failure
Air Temperature Sensor Number of Errors0x05901424Value1Number of air temperature sensor test failures before error code is set
Battery Average Voltage Difference Limit0x05951429Value1Maximum difference allowed between average high and low battery voltage
Battery Voltage Test Minimum RPM0x05961430Value1Minimum engine speed to perform battery voltage tests
Battery Voltage Number of Errors0x05971431Value1Number of battery voltage test failures before error code is set
Active Muffler Controller Number of Tests Failed0x059e1438Value1Number of AMC test failures before error code is set
Active Muffler Controller Max Feedback Time0x059f1439Value1Maximum time allowed for AMC feedback
Active Intake Maximum TPS Reading Allowed0x05a01440Value1Maximum TPS reading while AIC is active
Active Intake Error Counts0x05a11441Value1Number of failed active intake tests before setting an error code
Active Intake Feedback Timeout0x05a21442Value1Active Intake Control feedback timeout
Injector Feedback Highest Reading Allowed0x05a31443Value1Maximum injector feedback reading
Injector Feedback Lowest Reading Allowed0x05a41444Value1Minimum injector feedback reading
Injector Feedback Number of Errors0x05a51445Value1Number of injector feedback test failures before error code is set
Coil Feedback Highest Reading Allowed0x05a61446Value1Maximum allowed coil feedback reading
Coil Feedback Lowest Reading Allowed0x05a71447Value1Minimum allowed coil feedback reading
Coil Feedback Number of Errors0x05a81448Value1Number of failed coil feedback tests before error code is set
Clutch Test Number of VSS Samples0x05a91449Value1Number of vehicle speed samples for clutch diagnostic tests
Clutch Test Minimum Load0x05aa1450Value1Minimum load to run clutch diagnostic tests
Clutch Test Timeout0x05ab1451Value1Number of failed clutch diagnostic tests before error code is set
Neutral Test Number of VSS Samples0x05ac1452Value1Number of vehicle speed samples for neutral diagnostic tests
Neutral Test Minimum Load0x05ad1453Value1Minimum load for neutral diagnostic
Neutral Test Timeout0x05ae1454Value1Neutral diagnostic timeout
Fuel Pump Feedback Upper Limit0x05af1455Value1Maximum fuelpump feedback reading
Fuel Pump Feedback Off Time before Test0x05b01456Value1Off time before fuel pump feedback checked
Fuel Pump Feedback Number of Errors0x05b11457Value1Number of fuelpump feedback test failures before error code is set
Idle Air Control Position Test Maximum Engine Temperature0x05b51461Value1Maximum engine temperature to test idle air control position
Idle Air Control Position Test Limit High0x05b61462Value1IAC position high diagnostic limit 255 disables)
Idle Air Control Position Test Limit Low0x05b71463Value1IAC position low diagnostic limit
Idle Air Control Highest Reading Allowed0x05b81464Value1IAC high position limit
Idle Air Control Lowest Reading Allowed0x05b91465Value1IAC low position limit
Idle Air Control Position Test Timeout0x05ba1466Value1Idle air control position diagnostic timeout
Idle Air Control Test Timeout0x05bb1467Value1IAC diagnostic timeout
Tacho Feedback Number of Errors0x05bc1468Value1Number of tacho feedback test failures before error code is set
Fan Feedback Off Time before Test0x05bd1469Value1Fan off-time before running feedback test
Fan Feedback Number of Errors0x05be1470Value1Number of failed fan tests before error code is set
VSS Output Test Timeout0x05bf1471Value1Vehicle Speed Ouptut diagnostic timeout
VSS Input Test Minimum RPM0x05c01472Value1Minimum engine speed for VS input diagnostic
VSS Input Test Minimum Load0x05c11473Value1Minimum load for VS input diagnostic
VSS Input Test Timeout0x05c21474Value1Vehicle Speed Input diagnostic timeout
Bank Angle Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x05c51477Value1Maximum bank angle sensor reading allowed (alternative: shifter configuration)
Bank Angle Sensor Tip-Over Value0x05c61478Value1Bank angle sensor tip-over value (alternative: shifter minimum delay between activations)
Bank Angle Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x05c71479Value1Minimum bank angles sensor reading allowed (alternative: shifter debounce period)
Bank Angle Sensor Number of Errors0x05c81480Value1Number of bank angle sensor test failures before error code is set (alternative: shifter fuel cut duration)
Bank Angle Sensor Tipover Delay0x05c91481Value1Bank angle sensor tip-over detection delay (alternative: shifter maximum input activation value)
Starter Relay Test Timeout0x05ca1482Value1Starter Relay diagnostic timeout
Aux Power Relay Test Feedback Timeout0x05cb1483Value1Auxiliary Power Relay diagnostic timeout
EEPROM Test Number of Errors0x05cc1484Value1Number of failed EEPROM checksum tests before error code set
AD-Converter Number of Errors0x05cd1485Value1Number of failed A/D conversion tests before error code set
Camshaft Sensor Number of Sync Errors0x05d01488Value1Number of revs without sync detected before error code set
Camshaft Sensor Test Number of Consecutive Sync Errors0x05d11489Value1Number of consecutive out-of-sync revs before error code set
AFV Cylinder Difference Limit0x05d51493Value1Learned Fuel Cylinder Difference limit
AFV Cylinder Difference Number of Errors0x05d61494Value1Learned Fuel Cylinder Difference timeout
MAP Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x05d71495Value1Highest MAP sensor reading allowed
MAP Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x05d81496Value1Lowest MAP sensor reading allowed
MAP Sensor Default Value0x05d91497Value1Default MAP value set on failure
Map Sensor Number of Errors0x05da1498Value1Number of MAP sensor read failures before error code is set
Barometric Pressure Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x05db1499Value1Barometric pressure sensor maximum reading allowed
Barometric Pressure Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x05dc1500Value1Barometric pressure sensor mininmum reading allowed
Barometric Pressure Sensor Default Value0x05dd1501Value1Barometric pressure sensor default value, set on failure
Barometric Pressure Sensor Number of Errors0x05de1502Value1Number of barometric pressure sensor test failures before error code is set
Error Mask Byte 00x05e91513Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 0
Error Mask Byte 10x05ea1514Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 1
Error Mask Byte 20x05eb1515Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 2
Error Mask Byte 30x05ec1516Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 3
Error Mask Byte 40x05ed1517Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 4
Error Mask Byte 50x05ee1518Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 5
Error Mask Byte 60x05ef1519Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 6
Error Mask Byte 70x05f01520Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 7
Error Mask Byte 80x05f11521Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 8
Error Mask Byte 90x05f21522Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 9
Error Mask Byte 100x05f31523Bits1Diagnostic trouble code mask, byte 10
AFV Front0xffffffffffffffea-22Value2Adaptive fuel value front cylinder
Active Intake Actuations0xffffffffffffffee-18Value2Count of Active Intake actuations since cleared
AFV Rear0x00066Value2Adaptive fuel value rear cylinder
Engine Running RPM Hysteresis High Value0x000e14Value2Upper engine running threshold
Engine Running RPM Hysteresis Low Value0x001016Value2Lower engine running threshold
Throttle Position Sensor Reset Voltage0x001218Value2TPS voltage with a fully closed throttle, written on a TPS reset
Throttle Position Sensor Voltage Range0x001420Value2TPS voltage difference from fully closed to WOT
Throttle Position Sensor Degrees Range0x001622Value2TPS degrees difference from fully closed to WOT
WOT Enrichment0x007e126Value2Default fuel correction, applied to WOT regions
Idle Maximum Engine Speed0x0088136Value2Idle region maximum RPM
Open Loop Default Correction0x0098152Value2Default fuel correction, applied to open loop regions
Hot Start Condition0x00be190Value2Engine temperature indicating a hot start condition
Closed Loop Upper Boundary RPM Hysteresis0x018e398Value2Closed loop upper boundary RPM hysteresis
Closed Loop Lower Boundary RPM Hysteresis0x0190400Value2Closed loop lower boundary RPM hysteresis
EGO Correction Maximum Value0x0192402Value2Maximum closed loop EGO correction
EGO Correction Minimum Value0x0194404Value2Minimum closed loop EGO correction
Closed Loop Maximum Engine Temperature0x0196406Value2Maximum engine temperature to activate closed loop
Closed Loop Minimum Engine Temperature0x0198408Value2Minimum engine temperature to activate closed loop
AFV Maximum Value0x019c412Value2Maximum allowed AFV
AFV Minimum Value0x019e414Value2Minimum allowed AFV
AFV Increase Factor0x01a0416Value2Factor applied to increase AFV
AFV Decrease Factor0x01a2418Value2Factor applied to decrease AFV
Calibration Mode Maximum Engine Temperature0x01a4420Value2Maximum engine temperature to enable calibration mode
Calibration Mode Minimum Engine Temperature0x01a6422Value2Minimum engine temperature to enable calibration mode
Table Lock Value0x0210528Value2
Timed Spark Adjust Minimum RPM0x0214532Value2Minimum RPM to enable spark advance adjusting
VSS Input Scaling Factor0x0248584Value2Scale factor for VSS input
VSS Output Scaling Factor0x024a586Value2Scale factor for VSS output
Throttle Position Sensor Highest Reading Allowed0x057e1406Value2Maximum TPS reading
Throttle Position Sensor Lowest Reading Allowed0x05801408Value2Minimum TPS reading
Throttle Position Sensor Default Value0x05821410Value2TPS default value set on failure
O2 Sensor Test Minimum RPM0x05841412Value2Minimum RPM to check for O2 activity
Battery Voltage Highest Reading Allowed0x05981432Value2Battery voltage maximum reading allowed
Battery Voltage Lowest Reading Allowed0x059a1434Value2Battery voltage minimum reading allowed
Battery Voltage Default Value0x059c1436Value2Battery voltage default value, set on failure
Camshaft Sensor Test Minimum RPM0x05ce1486Value2Minimum RPM to set lost sync error
Running IAC Position Map Gear Axis0x03b7951Axis3Running IAC Position Map Gear Axis
Acceleration Enrichment Region0x005282Table4Acceleration enrichment region
Fuel Cut Region0x0072114Table4Fuel cut region
WOT Region0x007a122Table4Wide-Open Throttle definition
Startup Enrichment Temperature Axis0x008c140Axis4Startup condition temperature axis
Startup Enrichment0x0090144Map4Fuell correction after egine startup
Startup Enrichment Duration0x0094148Map4Duration of startup fuel enrichment
O2 Sensor Target Voltage Array0x01ce462Array4O2 midpoint for idle, lo, mid and hi
Fuel PI Controller P-Value Table Front when Rich0x01d2466Array4Proportional values for the front cylinder and rich transition (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller I-Value Table Front when Rich0x01d6470Array4Integral values for the front cylinder and rich mixture (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller P-Value Table Front when Lean0x01da474Array4Proportional values for the front cylinder and lean transition (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller I-Value Table Front when Lean0x01de478Array4Integral values for the front cylinder and lean mixture (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller P-Value Table Rear when Rich0x01e2482Array4Proportional values for the rear cylinder and rich transition (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller I-Value Table Rear when Rich0x01e6486Array4Integral values for the rear cylinder and rich mixture (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller P-Value Table Rear when Lean0x01ea490Array4Proportional values for the rear cylinder and lean transition (idle, low, mid, high)
Fuel PI Controller I-Value Table Rear when Lean0x01ee494Array4Integral values for the rear cylinder and lean mixture (idle, low, mid, high)
Fan Duty Cycle Map Temperature Axis0x02d0720Axis4Engine temperature axis for fan duty cycle map
Running IAC Position Map Engine Temp. Axis0x03b3947Axis4Running IAC Position Map Engine Temp. Axis
Running IAC Position Map RPM Axis0x03c6966Axis4Running IAC Position Map RPM Axis
Idle Air Control Startup Correction0x04141044Map4IAC RPM setpoint correction for startup
Fuel Pressure Setpoint for Startup0x04961174Map4Fuel Pressure setpoint at startup
Startup Fuel Pulsewidth0x003452Table6Starting fuel pulse length
Fuel Pump Duty Cycle Table0x003c60Table6Fuel pump duty cycle table
Altitude Adjustement Lower Boundary0x01be446Table6Altitude adjustment lower boundary
Altitude Adjustment Upper Boundary0x01c4452Table6Altitude adjustment upper boundary
Fuel Pulse Endpoint Table for Engine Temperature0x01f8504Table6Fuel pulse endpoint temperature correction
Fuel Pulse Endpoint Table for Load0x01fe510Table6Fuel pulse endpoint throttle correction
2nd Fuel Puls Endpoint Temperature Correction0x0204516Table6Showerhead pulse end point, ET based
2nd Fuel Pulse Endpoint Throttle Correction0x020a522Table6Showerhead pulse end point, load based
VSS Ratio Gearing Table0x024e590Array6Gear selection
Active Muffler Valve Switching Points0x0320800Array6Active exhaust valve switching RPMs
Idle Air Control Setpoint Map Temperature Axis0x03ee1006Axis6Engine temperature axis for IAC setpoint map
Fuel Pressure Key-Off Minimum Pressure0x04881160Table6Minimum fuel pressure when engine off
Fuel Pressure Setpoint Load Axis0x04d21234Axis6Load axis for fuel pressure setpoint map
Voltage and Fuel Pressure Correction Temperature Axis0x05081288Axis6Fuel pressure axis for voltage and fuel pressure correction map
Fuel Pulse Endpoint Load Axis0x05461350Axis6Fuel endpoint load axis
Spark Advance Reduction Upper RPM Boundary0x0256598Array7Maximum RPM to enable reduction
Spark Advance Reduction Lower RPM boundary0x025d605Array7Minimum RPM to enable reduction
Spark Advance Reduction Fuel Correction0x0264612Array7Fuel correction during activation
Spark Advance Reduction0x026b619Array7The spark advance reduction while noise abatement is active
Spark Advance Reduction Ramp-In Duration0x0272626Array7Spark advance reduction ramp-in duration
Spark Advance Reduction Hold Duration0x0279633Array7Spark advance reduction hold duration
Spark Advance Reduction Ramp-Out Duration0x0280640Array7Spark advance reduction ramp-out duration
Shifter Interrupt Duration0x0365869Array7Length of shift interrupt
Shift Light Flashing RPM Hysteresis High0x036e878Array7Shift Light flashing above this speed
Shift Light Flashing RPM Hysteresis Low0x0375885Array7Shift Light stops flashing below this speed
Shift Light On RPM Hysteresis High0x037c892Array7Shift Light on above this speed
Shift Light Off RPM Hysteresis Low0x0383899Array7Shift Light off below this speed
Calibration String0x002436String8Country version identifier
Acceleration Enrichment Temperature Adjustment0x005686Table8Acceleration enrichment adjustment on engine temperature
Acceleration Enrichment0x005e94Table8Acceleration enrichment
Deceleration Correction Region0x0066102Table8Deceleration correction region
Idle Correction0x0080128Table8Idle correction
Front Cylinder Correction0x009a154Table8Front cylinder fuel enrichment on engine temperature
Barometric Feature Region0x0120288Table8Barometric feature region lower boundary
MAP Barometric Correction0x0128296Table8Baro adjustment of MAP reads
Closed Loop Region Upper Boundary0x0172370Table8Closed loop upper boundary
Calibration Mode Region Upper Boundary0x01a8424Table8Calibration mode region upper boundary
Idle Spark Advance Table0x0216534Table8Idle Spark Advance
WOT Spark Advance Reduction0x021e542Table8WOT spark advance reduction
Fan Key-On Duty Cycle0x02bc700Table8Fan key-on duty cycle
Fan Duty Cycle Map Battery Axis0x02d4724Axis8Battery voltage axis for fan duty cycle map
Fan Key-On On Temperature Table0x02ec748Table8Key-on fan on temp based on battery voltage
Fan Key-On Off Temperature Table0x02f4756Table8Key-on fan off temp based on battery voltage
Fan Key-Off On Temperature Table0x02fc764Table8Key-off fan on temp based on battery voltage
Fan Key-Off Off Temperature Table0x0304772Table8Key-off fan off temp based on battery voltage
Fan Key-Off Minimum Battery Voltage Table0x030c780Table8Min bat for fuel pump and fans after key-off
Idle Air Control Key-On Position0x03da986Table8IAC position for startup
Idle Air Control Setpoint Map Battery Axis0x03f41012Axis8Battery voltage axis for IAC setpoint map
Fuel Pressure Correction0x053e1342Table8Fuel Pressure correction
2nd Fuel Map Load Axis0x06641636Axis8Secondary injector load axis
TP to Load Table TP Axis0x0be43044Axis8Throttle position axis for TP to load conversion map
MAP to Load Table MAP Axis0x0c3c3132Axis8MAP axis for MAP to load conversion map
TP to Load Weight Table TP Axis0x0cd43284Axis8Throttle position axis for TP to load weight map
Timing Table Load Axis0x06061542Axis10Timing table load axis y-axis)
Battery Voltage Correction0x0106262Table12Battery voltage correction
2nd Battery Voltage Correction0x0112274Table12Battery correction for showerheads
Running (Gear) IAC Position Map0x03ba954Map12IAC Position Map for running in gear
Idle Air Control Setpoint Table0x03e2994Table12Idle RPM setpoint table.
Fuel Pressure Setpoint RPM Axis0x04d81240Axis12RPM axis for fuel pressure setpoint map
Voltage and Fuel Pressure Correction Battery Axis0x050e1294Axis12Battery axis for voltage and fuel pressure correction map
Fuel Pulse Endpoint RPM Axis0x054c1356Axis12Fuel endpoint RPM axis
Air Temperature Correction0x00dc220Table14Air Temp correction
Airbox Pressure Sensor Data0x0134308Table14Air Box Pressure conversion
Baro Correction0x0142322Table14Baro pressure correction
Calibration Mode Region Lower Boundary0x01b0432Table14Calibration mode region lower boundary
Air Temperature Spark Advance Reduction Scaling0x0238568Table14Air temp spark retard
Vehicle Speed Correction0x0150336Table16Airbox pressure correction for speed
Airbox Pressure Correction0x0160352Table16Airbox pressure correction
Fan Duty Cycle Map0x02dc732Map16Fan duty cycle map for battery and engine temperature
Running (RPM) IAC Position Map0x03ca970Map16IAC Position Map for running RPM
Idle Air Control Throttle Position Adjustment0x04181048Table16Throttle position adjustment table for IAC position
Idle Air Control TP Adjustment Scaling0x04281064Table16Scaling of IAC throttle position adjustment for throttle position load
Fuel Map Load Axis0x062c1580Axis16Fuel load axis
TP to Load Table RPM Axis0x0bec3052Axis16RPM axis for TP to load conversion map
MAP to Load Table RPM Axis0x0c443140Axis16RPM axis for MAP to load conversion map
TP to Load Weight Table RPM Axis0x0cdc3292Axis16RPM axis for TP to load weight map
Dwell Duration0x05f51525Array17Dwell duration table
Closed Loop Region Lower Boundary0x017a378Table18Closed loop lower boundary
Idle Air Control Setpoint Map0x03fc1020Map24IAC RPM setpoint map for battery voltage and engine temperature
2nd Fuel Map RPM Axis0x066c1644Axis24Secondary injector RPM axis
Warmup Enrichment0x00a2162Table28Engine temperature fuel correction
Engine Temperature Sensor Conversion Data0x00c0192Table28Engine temperature senor data
Air Temperature Sensor Data0x00ea234Table28Air temperature sensor data
Fuel Pressure Setpoint for Engine Temperature0x049a1178Table28Fuel pressure setpoint table for engine temperature
Fuel Pressure Sensor Conversion Table0x04b61206Table28Fuel pressure sensor data
Timing Table RPM Axis0x06101552Axis28Timing table RPM axis x-axis)
Fuel Pressure Setpoint0x04e41252Map36Fuel pressure setpoint map for RPM and load
Voltage and Fuel Pressure Correction0x051a1306Map36Injector adder based on fuel pressure and battery
Fuel Pulse Endpoint Table0x05581368Map36Fuel endpoint speed/load table
Fuel Map RPM Axis0x063c1596Axis40Fuel RPM axis
TP to Load Table0x0bfc3068Map64Throttle position to load conversion map
MAP to Load Table Front0x0c543156Map64Convert front MAP to load
MAP to Load Table Rear0x0c943220Map64Convert rear MAP to load
TP to Load Weight Table0x0cec3308Map64Weight of TPS vs MAP) in load calculation
2nd Fuel Map Front0x0a982712Map96Front showerhead table
2nd Fuel Map Rear0x0af82808Map96Rear showerhead table
Timing Table Front0x07001792Map140Timing table front cylinder
Timing Table Rear0x078c1932Map140Timing table rear cylinder
Air Temperature Maximum Spark Advance Reduction0x0b582904Map140Maximum TA spark retard
Fuel Map Front0x08182072Map320Front fuel table
Fuel Map Rear0x09582392Map320Fuel map rear cylinder

For variables that have a scaling factor and/or a translational offset given, use this formula to calculate the output value:
output_value = (EEPROM_value * scale) + translate

Please double-check all information from this site before using them!